Espressif Systems ESP32-LyraTD-DSPG Audio Development Board is an Acoustic Echo Cancelation (AEC) solution supporting voice recognition, near-field, and far-field voice wake-up.
Дата: 2019-08-06Espressif Systems ESP32-Ethernet-Kit is an evaluation and demonstration platform based on the the dual-mode ESP32-WROVER-B Wi-Fi / Bluetooth / BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Module.
Дата: 2019-07-30Espressif Systems ESP32-LCD-Kit HMI Development Board is based on the ESP32-DevKitC and is integrated with peripherals like SD-Card, DAC-Audio, and an external display.
Дата: 2019-07-22Espressif Systems ESP-EYE Development Board evaluates ESP32 series devices.
Дата: 2019-02-20Espressif Systems ESP32-Azure IoT Kit enables smart network configuration, cloud platform access, and sensor data acquisition.
Дата: 2019-01-18Espressif Systems ESP-BAT32 Evaluation Board is a signal board designed to evaluate ESP32 products. Available in Mouser.
Дата: 2019-01-18Espressif Systems ESP-BAT8 Evaluation Board is a signal board designed to evaluate ESP8266 products.
Дата: 2019-01-18Espressif Systems ESP-FactoryTB1 Test Board is a stable and reliable production testing board that can be used as a USB converter.
Дата: 2019-01-18Espressif Systems ESP8266-DevKitC WiFi Development Tools are small space-saving boards designed to support various ESP8266 modules including ESP-WROOM-02D and ESP-WROOM-02U.
Дата: 2018-11-20Espressif Systems ESP32-LyraTD-MSC Audio IC Development Board evaluates ESP32-WROVER, a BT/Wi-Fi combo module and Digital Signal Processor (DSP).
Дата: 2018-09-14Espressif Systems ESP32-DevKitC Development Boards are small space saving baords designed to support various ESP32 modules.
Дата: 2018-07-26Espressif Systems ESP-WROOM-02 & ESP-WROOM-02U SMD Modules integrate the ESP8266EX Wi-Fi SoC and provides excellent RF performance.
Дата: 2018-07-20Espressif Systems ESP32-WROOM-32 MCU Modules are powerful and generic Wi-Fi/BT/BLE MCU modules that target a wide variety of applications.
Дата: 2018-07-20Espressif Systems ESP32-DevKitC Development Boards are small space saving baords designed to support various ESP32 modules.
Дата: 2018-01-22Espressif Systems ESP-Launcher is a Micro USB-powered development board based on the ESP8266EX 2.4GHz Wi-Fi SoC.
Дата: 2018-01-22